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The Most Trusted Name in Test Strips

Coolant Strips

All Prices are US Dollars. Prices and availabilty are subject to change without notice or obligation. We reserve the right to correct any typographical errors without obligation.

Ford Rotunda 328-071ELC

328-071ELC 10 Test Strips Kit - $69.95
328-171ELC 100 Test Strips Kit - $549.95

Contamination Test for Extended Life Coolant

These R071-ELC test strips are the quickest, most efficient way to measure the purity and test for contamination of your extended life coolant. Testing your extended life coolant can help detect depletion of additives and help prevent small problems from becoming big ones. The 328-071ELC series is suitable for testing all OAT-based (NOAT and HOAT) coolants.

This product is also sold as the ACU R071 Series. It was formerly designated as part number 328-00008.

Please Note: Always use the instructions and color charts packaged with the product. Do not rely on your computer screen or printer to accurately render colors from charts provided online.

328-071ELC Support Material