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The Most Trusted Name in Test Strips

Coolant Strips

All Prices are US Dollars. Prices and availabilty are subject to change without notice or obligation. We reserve the right to correct any typographical errors without obligation.

Shell ROTELLA® Antifreeze Coolant Test 480507

480507 1 Bottle of 25 Tests - $49.95
480507 2 Bottles of 25 Tests Ea - $99.90
480507 Case of 12 Bottles of 25 Tests Ea - $599.00

Distributors Invited to apply for Distributor Volume Discount

Determines when the Shell ROTELLA® Antifreeze OAT is lower than the minimum level required by the tested coolant and should be corrected with Shell ROTELLA® ELC Correction Fluid or drained and refilled with Shell ROTELLA® ELC / ELC NF to OEM requirements. Run the engine for at least 30 minutes prior to retest with a new test strip to ensure acceptable OAT level has been achieved.

Please Note: Always use the instructions and color charts packaged with the product. Do not rely on your computer screen or printer to accurately render colors from charts provided online.

480507 Support Material